FS2004/FS2002 Panel for the German WW II battleships SS Tirpitz and SS Bismarck with a lot of look around views as photorealistical pictures, 2D-bitmaps and - (Tirpitz FS2004 only) bitmaps combined with virtual views.
Included are modified aircraft.cfg, a repainted texture for the Tirpitz and some special visual and sound effects.
The panel provides a lot of interesting and fotorealistic views: The bridge, a view down to the foredeck with the two 38 cm twin turrets, views to the 15 cm turrets and 10,5 cm aa-guns, gunsights showing explosion effects direct at the target, the Arado Ar196 floatplane standing on the catapult, seen on the virtual deck between chimney and hangar. Toggling by the key S yor are on the virtual 3D-deck near the hangar, now without the Arado-196, because it is not included in the 3D-model.
The sound includes alarmbells and cannonfire.

Panel bitmaps, 2D-views, and configuration for all the views plus combined 2D with virtual 3D-views and the configurations for the effects by Erwin Welker

Search for the German battleships Tirpitz & Bismarck at
Here is the link:
Search for the German cruiser Prinz Eugen at
Here is the link:

1. Install the the German battleships Tirpitz or Bismarck or both first.
2. Copy and overwrite Panel, Tirpitz.air, Aircraft.cfg and Sound.
3. If you like my repaint then overwrite the texture tir1 with my version (see screenshots in the folder Pics.)
4. Copy and overwrite Sound, Effects and Gauges into the mainfolder of your FS2002 or 2004 directory.

FUNCTIONS & views:

Shift 1 = Bridge
Shift 2 = Fordeck with the two 38 cm twin turrets
Shift 3 = Gunsight forward with virtual view

Num Pad 1 - 9 = Different views
Num Pad 5 (shift function)
plus 1 - 9 = More views with Arado Ar-196 virtual view

try the key G twice and
YY (US) or ZZ (Eur) (Key for Autopilot)

I (for smokeeffects) to enable far explosion at your target
L (for lights) to enable muzzle flashes and exhaust smoke


Many thanks to all of the creative persons, who do such a great work.
I am sorry, but I do not know from whom all the gauges, effects and sounds are. I have to many.
A great job was done by R.L. Clark, with his sound buttons and sound effects. Many thanks to him.


This file is FREEWARE. It should not harm your computer, but you install it on your own risk.
Don't make any money with it. It is not permitted to use it for commercial-purpose.


More Files with my work at SurClaro and/or .com: (Searchkey: WELKER)

Any comments to:

Happy landings

Erwin Welker
2. March 2009